Sunday, September 12, 2021

Microbiology Lecture Exam 1

[GET] Microbiology Lecture Exam 1

The term includes bacteria, microscopic fungi yeasts and molds , protozoans, microscopic algae, prions and viruses. Microorganisms can be associated with many diseases, infections and inconveniences such as AIDS, pimples, and spoiled food. However,...

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Microbiology Homepage

Course description: The purpose of this semester of Microbiology is to familiarize the student with those concepts that are basic to viruses and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Lecture is the foundation of the course. Laboratories will not always coincide with the lecture topics, as the laboratories are designed to give the student the basic laboratory techniques necessary to identify microorganisms. The student is responsible for assignments such as designated papers from the scientific literature that add to the lecture and lab material. In order to enhance appreciation of the course, the student is encouraged to seek out related materials that are available, such as scientific journals e.

Microbiology Lecture Materials

Cell, Nature, Scientific American , newspapers, magazines and television programs e. There are five basic topics in this course - the general principles for microbial the growth, evolution and classification; descriptions of different prokaryotic, eukaryotic and other lifeforms and how they utilize these principles; the natural ecology of microorganisms; the human use of microorganisms; and how microorganisms function in disease. Section one covers the first topic, the second topic is covered by sections two and three, and the final three are covered in section four. Some aspects of the last two topics are woven throuout the course. In order to understand how microorganisms can live, one must know what the parameters for their existance are. In order to get a feel for the diversity and scope of the microbial world, one must have a feel for what kinds of organisms exist, and to understand the ecology, uses and dangers of microorganisms, one should have a general knowledge of the different organisms to be encountered.

Microbiology Lecture Exam 1 Flashcards

All of these things are useful in life, in order to make informed decisions, and to go on to professional or graduate school. Learning activities will include reading and evaluation scientific papers, learning basic Microbiological techniques, identifying unknown bacteria, answering questions in lecture and writing scientific papers. Subjects learned previously in Themes of Biology e. Learning Goals Content Goals: When they have finished the course, students will have been introduced to a working knowledge of basic bacterial laboratory techniques, as well as to the foundations of Microbiology - the concepts of classification, evolution and growth of microorganisms, as well as a factual and laboratory knowledge of specific microorganism types - In addition, they should have developed an understanding of microbial ecology and of medical and practical uses for microorganisms, and how they relate to basic biological concepts.

Learn Microbiology Chapter 3

It is the intent of the course to provide an opportunity to learn the skills necessary to understand and get a feel for the basic ideas embodied within the various facts that they will encounter, and how those ideas are related. In general, they should understand how microorganisms survive where they do, how they are related, and how they interact with us. In the laboratory they should acquire basic bacteriological skills and should be able to successfully use them. Performance Goals: Students should acquire a good understanding of the concepts above. They should be able to show their mastery of them in oral and written form, in lecture, in the laboratory and in exams.

Dr. Carmen Elisabeth Rexach

They should be able to design experiments to identify microorganisms, interpret the data and communicate it. Student Assessment Microbiology is designed for Biology majors who want to expand their knowledge of the microscopic world, in general, or for use in professional or graduate school. Students need to be able to understand both the concepts presented as well as have a basic understanding of the factual nature of the course. They have to know what kinds of organisms are out there, in order to go on to higher learning, or to better understand the world. In order to achieve that goal, feedback will be given on questions asked in lecture and laboratory, exams and on the final laboratory report in as prompt fashion as possible so that the students will always understand how they stand. Learning Activities These will consist of lectures, laboratory demonstrations, laboratory work including independent investigation to identify unknown organisms , reading assigned scientific papers, writing a final laboratory report and answering those questions that are asked in lecture and laboratory.

Shared Flashcard Set

Hopefully this mix of learning styles will create a deeper appreciation of Microbiology. Initiative on the part of each individual student in asking pertinent questions and inviting conversation on related outside topics will be noted in the final grade. Selected articles; resource texts and reserve library materials may be assigned as required. Prescott, Harley and Klein text as assigned. Lectures cannot cover all that is in the text, and are designed to be complementary to, instead of a repetition of, the text. Exams will be on the lecture material and on those portions of the text directly relating to it. Assigned text readings are listed by chapter; a given lecture might not cover all the subjects in the chapter s listed.

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Most topics will be outlined in notes published on the web prior to the lecture, if possible. These notes are study guides, and are only a part of what is required for exams.

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It is YOUR responsibility to make sure all assignments and exams are completed by their due date. Any assignments not completed by the end of the availability date will receive a grade of "0" zero. Course Policies No grades are dropped when calculating averages. No makeup exams are given, and there are NO re-takes on any exam. Lecture and Lab grades are NOT combined. Each course will be graded independently. Unexcused Exams that are not taken as scheduled will receive a grade of zero. If you have questions, you can come by during my office hours, email me at anytime, or post your question in the Discussion Board of the course BlackBoard page. You will need to schedule time to complete exams during their period of availability. If you miss an exam because of an excused absence, your lowest lecture exam score will be used as the score for the exam that you missed. Excused absences include medical and family emergencies and are determined at the instructor's discretion.

Lecture Notes - Exam 1

You can only miss one exam with an excused absence excluding the final , and you must take the final exam. Poor preparation or conflict with other scheduled exams is not a valid excuse for missing an exam. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Facility Policies No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. Use of electronic devices is prohibited. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator , Room , in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage.

Biology Test: Cells And Microorganism Questions

Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. Other September 28, - Final day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. November 19, - Final day to drop a course or withdraw with academic penalty. I will not discuss grades over the phone. You may request your grades by e-mail from your Lamar State College-Port Arthur e-mail account for example, doeja lamarpa. HB

A Microbiology Exam Practice Quiz! Trivia Questions

By ggg a. March for Influenza: Types and Symptoms Nursing Thank you for this video, loved how concise and precise it was! January for Why do we Care About Microbes? Well explained. Learning outcomes well defined and all comprehended. January for Microbiology: Introduction Enjoyed the format for this and other Lecturio classes. Graphics are concise. January for Microbiology: Introduction The content but also the Professor Vincent Racaniello, he is convincing , spacing and detailing what is needed to be captured. Help for the revisions best By NIno K. December for Microbiology: Introduction Love the lectures and reviews and quizzes and the fact that you can repeat for more clarification. Best explanation By Neuer A. The content is explained in an effective and simplest manner Very happy with the course By Juliana S.

Case Study: Microbiology - University of Central Florida

December for Anti-Infective Drugs in Nursing I like how simply the medications and diseases are taught. It is easier than my schooling and helps with my test grades. By mishal m. December for Protozoa — Introduction to Microbiology better way of making it very interesting,short lectures. By Goddess A. Great Lecture By Edgar U. I could understand what the professor was explaining and I understood it pretty well.

Microbiology Lecture Exam #1

By Barbara E J. October for Microbiology: Introduction Excellent, clear, interesting and informative presentation which facilitates comprehension and memory of essential material. By Pamela A. Thank you for sharing!!! By Leslie B. Great job explaining the material Thank you By Marahib O. I like the translate sevice it so helpful as well. Thanks a lot lecturio By Alphonso S. Would recommend. Mobile app quiz timing is counterproductive By Elizabeth B. The problem I had was that the mobile app would interrupt the lecture with quizzes on the material before the instructor taught it. Is this intentional? I found it very frustrating. August for Classification of Protozoan Parasites — Parasites the tone of voice and eye contact good just like in a classroom Excellent?

Microbiology Practice Questions

By Aqsa A. July for Antimicrobial Pharmacology It helps me alot to memorize the things.. Thanku so much for such an amazing work.. July for Microbiology: Introduction The lecturer speaks clearly and is engaging. The material is presented quite well - in a logical manner. I feel the material could go in a bit more depth but perhaps later lectures will. I would probably give this series 5 stars, however, I'm currently studying for the USMLE, and I feel half or more of the review questions are extremely low-yield. For example, there are questions about which section of a plant does a specific fungus infect.

Construction and Evaluation of an Online Microbiology Course for Nonscience Majors

That's okay to test understanding of the lecture material presented, but I don't want to have that type of question included in my "Spaced Repetition" for memorization. It's a real waste of my limited time and brain space. Please ither remove the low-yield questions, or perhaps a better and faster option would be to add an option to turn off the "dumb" questions.

A&P 1 Lecture Materials

She is an amazing teacher, i really like her class and her! I remember know thing that I though I forgot, she helps with the analogies and the fun, i really like her as a theacher. Wonderfull job, and thank you! July for Signs of Infection Nursing I llike it very much, every single class is easy, fu, and practical.

Introduction to Microbiology - Biology LibreTexts

James L. Experience indicates that students who don't have the prerequisites may have difficulty passing the course. McGraw-Hill Publishers. ISBN Authors: Leboffe and Pierce, Morton Publishing. ISBN: Course objectives: By the end of this course you will be able to: Define key terms and concepts pertaining to microbial growth, metabolism and disease Describe the differences between bacteria, protists, fungi and viruses Diagram DNA replication, transcription and translation indicating the players involved in each Compare and contrast mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer Link immune responses to pathogen recognition Compare and contrast virulence mechanisms Link the key concepts in bacterial metabolism to virulence Apply the information from lecture to experiments in the laboratory setting Analyze and interpret experimental results Course outcome: The course will provide a basic understanding of microbes, their biology, and their importance.

Microbiology Lecture Test 1 Flashcards -

For microbiology majors, this course will serve as the foundation for further study of the field. For nonmajors, this course will provide the basic information needed to understand how microbes affect our lives and livelihoods. This is a writing-intensive class that fulfills the requirements for a W-course. The writing component includes writing exercises designed to develop skill in writing for different audiences scientific and general. Writing assignments include short writing exercises both in-class and take-home and the preparation of laboratory reports. Additionally, in-class exams include short-answer questions that test your ability to articulate your knowledge of microbiology.

Microbiology quizlet

Log-in using your Net-ID and password. Follow the link to the BIOL site. Only registered students have access to this site. E-mail requirement: All students must have an active TAMU e-mail account in order to receive class announcements and updates. You may tape-record the lectures for your own use, but it is illegal to transcribe these lectures or make copies for distribution for a fee. Lecture Exams: there will be four min exams and a comprehensive Final Exam. If you miss one or more of the scheduled exams, the final is required. If you take all four scheduled exams, the comprehensive final is optional. If you choose to take the final and perform better on the final than on one of your previous four exams, I will replace the lowest grade with your improved final exam grade.

Microbiology 2420

Exam questions will be drawn from lecture material, reading assignments in the textbook, assigned supplemental readings, and any assigned problems. The information covered at the beginning of the course forms the basis for understanding topics covered later. The min exams will focus on material covered since the previous exam, but are likely to require knowledge of material covered on a previous exam. Do not expect to do well in this course by memorizing material only for one exam and then forgetting it as soon as the exam is over.

A Microbiology Exam Practice Quiz! Trivia Questions - ProProfs Quiz

Many of the questions will be designed to test your understanding of concepts and your ability to use information to solve problems. The format of the comprehensive Final Exam will be multiple-choice. Try to only bring the materials needed for your exam on exam dates. You will not be allowed to wear hats or earphones during the exams. Additionally, you will not be allowed to have any type of liquid container at your desk. This includes, but is not limited to, coffee mugs, water bottles, or cups. Cell phones must be stored out of sight and turned to silent.

Medical Microbiology 2420

If I suspect cheating occurred during an exam, I reserve the right to re-administer the exam to the entire class. If you are found cheating, you will receive a zero for the exam and will be reported to the Academic Honesty Committee. The final is at pm on Monday, December Missed lecture exams: If you miss an exam due to illness, a death in the family, legal proceedings, participation in a University-sanctioned activity, or another University-authorized excuse and want to take the make-up exam, you must contact the instructor within 48 hours and explain why you missed the exam.

Microbiology Exam 1

This may be done by email. If you do not request to take a make-up exam within 48 hours of the missed exam, you will receive a score of zero for that exam. Make-up exams: will be in the format of essay based questions. Grading: The lecture grade will be based on the four minute lecture exams Total of points.

Microbiology Lecture final exam Flashcards -

The comprehensive final exam can substitute one of the minute lecture exam. The laboratory is a required part of the course. In order to receive credit for BIOL , you must attend and participate in the laboratory and turn in all laboratory assignments. Details on the assignments, grading, and required supplies will be supplied in your laboratory section. At the end of the semester, your laboratory grade will be determined as follows: 2 BIOL Fall, Your laboratory grade will be determined based on the percentage of points earned. The final letter grade for the course will be based on both lecture and the laboratory grades. For example, This includes, but is not limited to, disrespectful comments, the use of tobacco products, consumption of food, use of cell phones or wireless devices, or use of any type of communicative device.

Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective

Do not browse the internet, text message or IM while in the classroom. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the TAMU community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services in Cain Hall Rm. B, Copyright Policy All materials used in this class are copyrighted.

Easy Biology Class

Therefore, you do not have the right to copy class materials unless permission is expressly granted. These materials include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and problem sets. About the reading assignments The textbook and lab manual were selected for their detailed and up-date-coverage of modern microbiology. There is not enough time in the semester to cover every page of the textbook in equal detail. The reading assignments listed below provide an outline of the topics to be covered. Date Topic Assigned Reading.

1. Introduction to Microbiology & Parasitology lecture

State three harmful effects and four beneficial effects associated with the activities of microorganisms. Define microbiota and microbiome. Briefly describe two different beneficial things the human microbiome does for the normal function of our body. State several diseases associated with a change in our "normal" microbiota. List and recognize a description of the each of the 5 basic groups of microbes. Microorganisms are the dominant life forms on earth, are found in almost every conceivable environment, and are essential to sustaining life on this planet. There are five basic groups of microorganisms: Bacteria are typically unicellular, microscopic, prokaryotic organisms that reproduce by binary fission.

BIOL 351 Fundamentals of Microbiology - Texas A&M University

Fungi yeasts and molds are typically unicellular, microscopic, eukaryotic fungi that reproduce asexually by budding. Molds are typically filamentous, eukaryotic fungi that reproduce by producing asexual reproductive spores. Viruses are typically submicroscopic, acellular infectious particles that can only replicate inside a living host cell. Protozoa are typically unicellular, microscopic, eukaryotic organisms that lack a cell wall. Algae are typically eukaryotic microorganisms that carry out photosynthesis. To get us started on our introduction of microorganisms we will go through the following Think-Pair-Share Questions.

Practice Quiz On Microbiology Exam

The total number of bacteria in this tube is equal to: The number of people in Baltimore city. The number of people in Maryland. The number of people in North America. The number of people in the world. Briefly explain your answer. In what ways might microbes such as bacteria be harmful? In this course we will be looking at various fundamental concepts of microbiology, with particular emphasis on their relationships to human health. The overall goal is to better understand the total picture of infectious diseases in terms of host-infectious agent interaction. We will look at various groups of microbes and learn what they might do to establish infection and harm the body, we will look at the body to see the ways in which it defends itself against these microbes, and we will learn what can be done to help the body in its defense efforts. The Big Picture of Infectious Diseases One of the most important things in microbiology is learining the "Big Picture of Infectious Diseases," which is the biological basis of host parasite interaction.

Test Answers on Microbiology Lecture Exam #1

There are four interlocking parts to this big picture: The microbe's side of the story - why some microbes have more potential to be harmful: The overwhelming majority of microbes are harmless to humans and, in fact, many are beneficial, being key players in the recycling of nutrients in nature. We will look at the major groups of microbes, learn what they are composed of chemically and structurally, and see how how they carry out their metabolism and reproduce. We will learn of a variety of factors some microbes may possess that play a role in increasing their ability to cause disease.

Microbiology Lab Exam #1

Also we will learn how, through mutation, genetic recombination, and natural selection, microbes may adapt to resist our control attempts. The body's side of the story - ways in which the body is able to defend itself naturally against infectious disease agents: Here will learn about the phenomenal defenses the body has available to defend itself against infectious disease agents, as well as altered body cells such as cancer cells and infected cells. The body is able to do this through the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Innate immune defenses are those you are born with and include anatomical barriers, mechanical removal, cytokines, pattern-recognition receptors, phagocytosis, inflammation, the complement pathways, and fever. The adaptive immune defenses are those you develop throughout your life and include antibody production and cell-mediated immunity.


Ways in which we can artificially help the body defend itself by removing the microbes or enhancing body defenses: We will learn how we can artificially help ourselves to avoid or reduce the risk of infection. Also we will learn ways in which we are able to artificially remove microbes from the body and its environment using agents such as antiseptics, disinfectants, physical agents such as heat and cold, antimicrobial chemotherapeutic chemicals, and antibiotics. Finally we will learn ways we are currently able to - or potentially in the future will be able to - improve or restore the body's immune responses through such techniques as immunization, adoptive immunotherapy, or immune modulation.

Micro 20 Lecture Notes, Spring

Relationship between the Human Microbiome and Human Health: The complex mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship between humans and their natural microbes is critical to good health. It is now recognized that the millions of genes associated with the normal flora or microbiota of the human body -especially in the intestinal tract - aid in the digestion of many foods, the regulation of multiple host metabolic pathways, and the regulation the body's immune defenses. Benefits of Microbial Activity Most people tend to think of microorganisms as harmful because of their roles in causing infectious diseases in humans and other animals, and agricultural loss as a result of infectious diseases of plants and the spoilage of food.

Biology exam 2 answers

The fact is, however, the vast majority of microorganisms are not harmful but rather beneficial. Without them there would be no life on earth. Therefore, we will start this course by looking at a few of the many benefits from microbial activity on this planet. Food production: Many food products employ microorganisms in their production. These include the microbial fermentation processes used to produce yogurt, buttermilk, cheeses, alcoholic beverages, leavened breads, sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi.

Microbiology Lecture Exam 1 - Online Flashcards by Ashley Ross | Brainscape

Energy production and cleaning up the environment: Methane, or natural gas, is a product of methanogenic microorganisms. Many aquatic microbes capture light energy and store it in molecules used as food then used by other organisms. Animal wastes, domestic refuse, biomass, and grain can be converted to biofuels such as ethanol and methane by microorganisms. In addition, through a process called bioremediation , some pollutants such pesticides, solvents, and oil spills can be cleaned up with the aid of microbes.

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