Saturday, April 24, 2021

67c Act Answers

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The graph shows that in January , there was an average of Therefore, the cosmic ray flux of , would have a low cloud cover. If you answered J, you were correct in thinking that the percent low cloud cover at a cosmic ray flux of , had to be higher...

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Even if you did now know the temperature at which water freezes, you should have been able to realize that the temperature must be colder where ice existed than where liquid water existed. Passage IV 18 F Figure 1 indicates that the solution was yellow depicted by the small dots at titrant volumes less than 1. Neither the text of Experiment 2 nor the graph Figure 2 discusses pH explicitly, so you must consult the initial text of the passage to figure out how Figure 2 gives you information about the pH of the solution. To get this question correct, you must know that a pH of 7. This is one of the rare science questions — typically per test — on which you are expected to use a bit of basic outside knowledge.

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The graph in Figure 2 shows that the solution turns blue at a titrant volume of 1. Therefore, as the titrant volume increases beyond 2. Basically, this question is just asking you to extend the line of the graph beyond the titrant volumes that are depicted on the x-axis, and the graph would simply continue with its positive slope, reaching conductivity values above 3. It does, however, state that the experiment is the same as Experiment 1 except that it features an acetic acid solution instead of an HCl solution.

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Therefore, you know that acetic acid is the sample solution. If you look at your answer choices, there is only one option with a sample solution of acetic acid, answer choice C, so this is the correct answer. If you wished to make certain of the titrant, you could have found the titrant from Experiment 1, which based on the text of Experiment 2 would be the same titrant used in Experiment 2. The text of Experiment 1 states that NaOH is added to the solution, and the initial text of the entire passage states that a titrant is the solution that is slowly added to a sample solution. If the probe is used to measure conductivity which according to the initial text of the passage is the ability to conduct an electrical current , it makes sense that the probe would do so by transmitting a current through the solution. To determine how the color of the solution relates to pH, consult the initial text of the passage. The initial text of the passage indicates that the solution is yellow when its pH is below 6.

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Therefore, the blue solution produced by 1. If you did not realize that the color of the solution corresponded with the pH value, the discussion of solution color in the answer choices could have provided you with a valuable hint. Passage V 24 H This is a rare science question typically per test on which you are required to use a bit of outside knowledge. Gravity is a force of attraction between bodies containing mass. It is the force that governs the motion of celestial bodies in the universe, such as stars, planets, comets, and moons, so H is the correct answer. Therefore, based on the fact provided in the question, Student 2 would claim that Algols A and C would have similar compositions and Algol B would have a different composition, so G is the correct answer. This paragraph also defines solar mass as the mass of the Sun, so Algol C has a mass 1. Therefore, its mass would be 1. Because this reaction involves the fusion of protons, not electrons, you can immediately eliminate H and J.

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G is correct over F because like charges do in fact repel, not attract each other. If you did not know that like charges repel, you still could have gotten G over F, since if it were true that like charges attracted each other, high pressure would not be needed to get like-charged protons to fuse together. Since Student 1 claims that the three stars were created at the same time, Student 1 would therefore claim that Algol B was the first to become an MS star. Therefore, more massive stars spend less time in each of the three evolutionary stages than do less massive stars. Therefore, as the amount of Kr increases beyond 10 g, one can assume that the pressure would increase beyond torr the pressure at 10 g of Kr.

ACT Answers

If you extend the line representing Kr beyond the graph to a point that would correspond with a mass of 13 grams if you were to extend the x-axis, it would correspond with a pressure between and torr, so C is the correct answer. If you answered J, you were correct in thinking that the pressure would be higher than the pressure at 10 g of Kr, but you neglected to consider how much higher. Figure 1 shows that 7 g of CO2 has a pressure of about 1, torr in the 3 L vessel, and Figure 2 shows that 7 g of CO2 has a pressure of about torr in the 6 L vessel, so its pressure in a 5 L vessel would be in between these two pressures. At any mass of O2 added, the pressure in the 6 L vessel of Figure 2 is half that in the 3 L vessel of Figure 1.

Video Explanations: 2009 June ACT (67C)

For instance, Figure 2 shows that 2 g of O2 has a pressure of about torr in the 6 L vessel, while Figure 1 shows that 2 g of O2 has a pressure of about torr in the 3L vessel. This makes sense, since one would expect that a given amount of gas would exert more pressure in a smaller vessel than in a larger one. If you answered B, you may have understood the relationship perfectly but gotten things backwards when answering the question. To decide between H and J, you need to use a bit of common sense or a bit of scientific knowledge. J simply makes more sense than H because it stands to reason that more molecules would exert more pressure. Also, it stands to reason that molecules with the chemical form O2 would be smaller than those with the chemical form CO2, since CO2 just adds a C to the O2.

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If the O2 molecules are smaller, then there would be more O2 molecules in a gram. Specifically, you need to know that temperature and pressure are directly proportional, meaning that as temperature increases, pressure increases. If you did not know this, you may have been able to figure it out using a bit of real world common sense. As things heat up, they expand, and if gas expands within a closed container, it would exert more pressure. If you answered J, you found the highest frequency that humans can hear. A loss of high frequency hearing would mean that a person can no long hear some of the high frequencies they were once able to, so the high end of their threshold of hearing would be lowered, as is shown in answer choice A. First decide whether sound passing through air or water has a higher intensity.

ACT June 2009 Form 67C Reading Test Answer Explanations

According to the figure, sound has a higher intensity in water than in air, since the dotted line representing water is always found at a slightly higher frequency further to the right on the graph than the corresponding dashed line representing air. Therefore, the answer is F. The fact that the threshold of hearing does not extend to a frequency of Hz indicates that this is because humans cannot even hear sounds at such a high frequency. The graph is initially difficult to read because it places frequency, the independent variable, on the y-axis, and we are used to seeing the independent variable on the x-axis. Rotating the graph in the manner described above puts the independent variable back on the x-axis, thereby making the graph easier to read. When looking at the graph this way, it is apparent that the flat horizontal dashed and dotted lines indicate that S does not depend on frequency.

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2009 June(67C) Math Question 1

By studying your missed problems, you can learn from your mistakes to make sure you will not make the same mistakes on similar problems next time you take the ACT. Answer Explanations is the ultimate ACT preparation tool. ACTG 75 Questions You will also find questions about a section of the pas- sage, or about the passage as a whole. There's one thing that every student studying for the ACT definitely needs: practice tests that are almost identical to what you will face on test day. No matter how you study, we've found that most students really benefit from taking a full ACT practice test several times in as close to official test-taking conditions as possible. Need to score your practice test?

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It is often available from your high school guidance counselor. There is simply no need for any commas anywhere else in the underlined portion. You must have a reason to put a comma in the sentence rather than a reason not to. Know your comma rules, and if there is no specific reason to use a comma, do not use one. See comma use. See comma use and transition words. Therefore, it is necessary to use a noun instead, so D is the correct answer. When the ACT gives you the option of using a noun instead of a pronoun, there is a high likelihood that the noun is the correct answer. Check to see if the pronoun has a clear and recent antecedent, and if it does not, choose the noun. See pronoun agreement. Use them where you know you need punctuation but where none of the other options you are given is acceptable.

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G is incorrect because semi-colons are used between two independent clauses , and the second part of the sentence is not an independent clause, as it is incapable of standing on its own. Although the comma in J would work, the semi-colon is again problematic because it is not being used between two independent clauses. Therefore, by process of elimination, F is the best answer.

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Process of elimination is a great approach on this type of question. A is incorrect because the sentence does not give any reasons. C is incorrect because there is nothing overly serious about this sentence. D is incorrect because this sentence is important; otherwise, the reader would not know what exactly Luigi is. The correct answer is B, since this sentence helps clarify the statement made in the previous sentence. Sometimes incorrect answers are made to sound great in the context even though they do not accomplish the stated purpose. F is correct over G and H because the entire essay is written in the first person, and it is necessary to stay consistent. First, they both incorrectly imply a cause and effect relationship between the two clauses of the sentence. Remember that no conjunction should be used when joining a dependent clause to an independent clause. Both A and C correctly construct the first part of the sentence as an independent clause, which is then correctly joined to the following independent clause with a comma-conjunction.

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A is correct over C because it seems unlikely that the month changed while the narrator was out riding. Indeed, it changes from August to September at midnight. See two independent clauses. Whenever you are given the option of a period, semi-colon, or comma-conjunction, you should see if you have two independent clauses. If so, the period, semi-colon, or comma conjunction provided that it is an appropriate conjunction will be a grammatically correct construction.

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You must have a reason to put punctuation in the sentence rather than a reason not to. Know your punctuation rules, and if there is no specific reason to use punctuation, do not use any. Specifically, A and C can be eliminated because semi-colons are used to separate two independent clauses , and in each answer choice, the portion of the sentence that comes after the semi-colon is not an independent clause. H is incorrect because it is plural and possessive.

ACT June Form 67C Reading Test Answer

Remember that semi-colons are used to join two independent clauses , not a phrase and an independent clause. Therefore, F and H can be eliminated. G is correct over J because the comma between the time and the date is simply unnecessary. Remember that you must have a reason to put a comma in a sentence rather than a reason not to. Although what follows the independent clause is not technically a list, since it consists of only one item, it still functions as a list, so a colon is appropriate.

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Answer choice A is incorrect because semi-colons are used to separate two independent clauses , and what comes after the semi-colon is not an independent clause, since it does not express a complete thought. Ask yourself if there is any possibility the underlined portion could be considered unnecessary, irrelevant, or redundant. If there is any chance it could be, it should be deleted. In this case, the underlined portion should be deleted because answer choices A and C include information that is redundant with information found earlier in the sentence, and answer choice B contains language that adds nothing to the meaning of the sentence and is therefore unnecessary.

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In this case, F is the correct answer, since it is by far the most specific option and therefore does the best job of clarifying exactly how the problem of traffic jams was solved by the subway. To some extent, this could be considered an issue of idiomatic language. G is incorrect because dashes should be thought of as generic punctuation on the ACT, and no punctuation is needed at this point in the sentence. H is incorrect because it incorrectly puts a comma between a subject and its verb. See adjectives, adverbs, and comparisons. In this case, the underlined portion cannot be deleted, since its deletion would make it unclear what exactly the workers were digging. F is the correct answer because it provides the necessary clarification without providing redundant information like that found in G and H. In this case, the underlined portion cannot be deleted because it would result in the sentence consisting of two independent clauses incorrectly joined by a comma and no conjunction.

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Therefore, it is necessary to read the sentence that contains the underlined portion and the sentence before it to figure out how they are related. B incorrectly indicates a cause and effect relationship between the two sentences. D incorrectly indicates that the second sentence restates or clarifies what is stated in the first. Passage III 30 J On questions like this that give you a specific purpose, pay attention primarily to the purpose and minimally to the context, unless the purpose itself is context dependent.

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In this case, J is the only option that accomplishes the stated purpose. G is incorrect because controversy did not attract any group of people. See verb agreement. F and G are incorrect because periods and semi-colons are used to join two independent clauses , and the portion of the sentence before the period or semi-colon consists of two phrases, not an independent clause. J is incorrect because a dash creates too strong a break between the two parts of the sentence. Also, you should choose a dash only when there are no other acceptable options, and a comma is acceptable in this situation. See dashes and comma use. Because the underlined portion gives useful information about what exactly Rivera was commissioned to paint, C is the correct answer. Answer choice A is incorrect because the information in the underlined portion is not found anywhere else in the sentence. Answer choice B is incorrect because the sentence would still work grammatically without the underlined portion, even though it would be a bit vague.

ACT June 2009 Form 67C Math Test Answer Explanations

F, G, and H each indicate a contradictory relationship between the two sentences. Such a relationship is incorrect because the second sentence is in fact aligned with the idea of the first sentence. In fact, it follows directly from the first sentence, so no transition word is needed. Passage IV 45 A The original sentence correctly uses a comma to separate the phrase at the end of the sentence from the independent clause that comes before it. G and H are acceptable because they use a semi-colon and a period, respectively, to join the two independent clauses.

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F is acceptable because it turns the second independent clause into a dependent clause, which can then be properly joined to the preceding independent clause with a comma. None of the other answer choices express any emotion at all. In this case, the underlined portion should be deleted because the other answer choices are redundant with information presented earlier in the sentence. F is incorrect because the sentence does not show how the narrator reacts to the cold. J is incorrect because this information is not stated elsewhere. The other answer choices all correctly indicate that she was deeply interested in her work. Therefore, A is the correct answer. D could be tempting, but it is not nearly strong enough in its positive tone towards Joan. Check to see if what is included in the other answer choices could be considered unnecessary, irrelevant, or redundant. If there is any chance it could be, choose the shorter one.

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It is important to use the structure of the question to tip you off to look for possible redundancy or unnecessarily wordy language; because we often use redundant and wordy language in speech, we cannot count on it to necessarily sound bad. D is incorrect because it indicates a cause and effect relationship where none exists. Although the first independent clause is only three words, it is still an independent clause since it expresses a complete thought. F, G, and H are incorrect because they use a comma or no punctuation at all to join the two independent clauses. In this case, D is correct because it is the only answer that mentions anything about how the stars appear today.

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